Reiki is pretty powerful. What is Reiki? From what I have learnt reiki is a Japanese technique that helps with stress reduction and relaxation, it can also help with healing. I am always amazed at how life force energy can be felt. It flows through all of us. Reiki is another holistic method for healing in my eyes.
I once had reiki and crystal healing from a reiki master named Shauna and the release of emotions I never thought I had. It was clear that I was suppressing a lot of issues I had going on in my life at the time. I could feel the tension in my stomach and it moved up to my throat and all of a sudden tears were streaming.
From that moment I just knew reiki is a beautiful life force energy that I thought I could never experience to give or so I thought.
I have the utmost privilege to be part of a reiki group called Shining Light Circle that is run by two amazing women and I have to say it's such a beautiful group a real sisterhood of pure magic. When I joined the group I wasn't confident in the aspect of reiki but it took time for me to open myself up and see where my energy would sit in terms of reiki. I meditate often but I didn't have any visions or any tingling sensations. This all changed when I joined my first online Shining Light Minis, we joined together to send out intentions/healing to loved ones or the world. My first session, my chest was on fire and it was a rather cold winters day but I was burning up! For the next few days I was riding on a high, it felt like euphoria. I will never forget that. 🥰 Since then I get visions at times but mainly colours come to me heavily and I do think this is down to the group and the energy we all pool together, it has opened me up to a whole new level.
There are also several face to face meet ups with the group too, at the time I didn't attend any. I think this was because I felt a lack of confidence within myself. It was only recently that I decided to attend one because there was an element of crystal healing too.
The reason why I am hooked on Reiki
The face to face meet up gives us the chance to give reiki healing to each other for 15 minutes. I was first to be on the table and I got to feel the pure energy of two amazing reiki masters (Shauna and Judith). It was magical, to say the least. After my 15 minutes, the feedback was amazing from Shauna and Judith, I'll keep some of these to myself but all will be revealed soon.
Bearing in mind I had to give reiki energy and I've never done this, but I was told to just go with how I feel/drawn to. Something just drew me in to work with the lower part of the body. I felt drawn to work with the feet as grounding is important and it's been a very big part of my work lately. I couldn't believe it, I had visions, colours, sparks and even heart racing when I was giving reiki to Shauna and Judith (separately of course!). Truly something so magical and peaceful at the same time.
How to summarise this?! The energy I felt I have never felt before. The connection and the release were something that I felt was waiting in the wings. It was another level that I felt was so happy with. I was also told that my healing energy was so gentle and loving. Now that was very touching to me and I'll hold that deeply. It has definitely got me raring to go and do my level one in reiki very soon.
Love & light
Jenny 💕
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash
Photo by Esther Verdú on Unsplash
Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash
Love this 🌈
That was beautiful how you’ve managed to put it all into words witch I find hard to do lol x