
The Magic of Apophyllite

Apophyllite has always looked so beautiful in my eyes, the way it can sparkles and especially the way it can just draw me in.

I now share a very special bond with Apophyllite all because of a man that I met a gem show. My first encounter of meditating with a piece of Apophyllite was with my reiki group, I decided at the time to chose pink Apophyllite. All I could remember was the words "No, don't cover me". We often talk about our experiences after our reiki sessions. It was interesting as I was told that Apophyllite likes to be set free and is about high realm work.

I didn't really touch Apophyllite till after 9 months later. Let me go back to the man I met selling Apophyllite at the gem show, he had his own mine in India and he since he has mined there he has such a strong connection with Apophyllite and has some how raised his spiritual awareness.  He was kind enough to offer me a piece for free he told me "Meditate with it, it's telling me to tell you that".


The magic starts

It's placed in pride place of my alter when I got home, but nothing really was drawing me to it, it wasn't till after about six to seven days, it start to spark at me. Whenever I walked past it just had this gleam about it. Take it in my hands on a Sunday afternoon I just knew I had to meditate with it. Bearing in mind the night before I felt so heavy and overwhelmed with something and I couldn't put my finger on it.

Place the Apophyllite in my right hand, I started to meditate with it. I had no expectations from it, I just went with the flow. The energy I felt was insane, I started to cry with no reason at all. It felt like relief that I was crying. I said I had no expectations but something about this meditation made me realise I wasn't in control of it, but my soul was.

I asked to see my soul's home. I was instantly transported to this vision of what I can put into worlds a tall castle of some sorts, my soul was crying out even more at this point. I'd like to point out at this point I was still crying. It wasn't still, I asked my soul's home "What do I need to know?" and the response was "Let it go". I was very uncontrollable at this point and all I could manage to say was "I'm scared". I wasn't till a purple hue washed over my eyes and I was so so calm and relaxed.


This was another level so spiritual connection I've had. I am a firm believe that we belong to the stars and we come to earth to experience life. We must have valuable lessons we want to learn if we keep trying to reincarnate several times.

More to learn

I did more research around Apophyllite and from what can gather it is a very high vibrational stone that helps attune energies to those of higher dimensions and realms - this was found on The Crystal Council. 

I managed to speak to the man at another gem show and he even told me Apophyllite is a piece that needs to settle in your home, it won't start speaking to you at least till seven days after. He told me I needed to unblock my third eye. What I've learnt is that Apophyllite can facilitate you on a journey that you may not be ready for but it has answer my calling. I know this because I went back again to meditate with it again. But this time I knew sort of what to expect, I ensured I was grounded and made sure that I respected whatever comes my way is what I need to know. It has been said to keep with some grounding stones when using Apophyllite, I would suggest this if you're going to use it for the first time. I didn't but I've learnt to makes sure my roots are firmly in the ground before ascending with Apophyllite.

I'm just glad that I got to see my soul's home and understand that my soul was missing home but is happy to be with me in this life to make a change. It was made very clear to me that I am lightworker too.

So, tell me. Would you consider using Apophyllite?

Love & light

Jenny 💕

Image credits

Star illustration: Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash  

Apophyllite & Apophyllite main image: My own

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